Main Number: (225) 342-4915
Access Services is responsible for:
Main Number: (225) 342-4923
State Library of Louisiana administrative staff is responsible for all aspects of library services.
Main Number: (225) 342-4936
The Cataloging and Acquisitions department:
Main Number: (225) 342-9714
Louisiana Book Festival: (225) 219-9503
The Louisiana Center for the Book in the State Library of Louisiana coordinates the Louisiana Book Festival and other programs and events supportive of reading, literacy, books, and writers, particularly Louisiana authors and poets.
Main Number: (225) 342-4915
The Circulation Department is responsible for:
The Communications section is responsible for media relations, public relations, and the promotion of State Library events and programs.
Main Number: (225) 342-3389
The Information Technology Department provides onsite I.T. support for the State Library as well as full service support for Louisiana public libraries. In addition, the I.T. Department provides training and continuing education opportunities for our state's public library staff. The I.T. staff regularly provides computer consulting services to Louisiana s public libraries and assists directly in maintaining Internet, database and library catalog access throughout the State of Louisiana.
Main Number: (225) 342-4918
The Interlibrary Loan Department is responsible for:
Main Number: (225) 342-4931
The Library Development Division provides consultative assistance and training to public and institutional libraries across the state. Consultants from the State Library visit each library system regularly. They consult routinely by telephone and e-mail, advising directors, staff and trustees on planning, programs, new services, construction, administration and management of libraries, and legal and ethical issues.
Main Number: (225) 342-4914
Louisiana Collection staff offers in-person, telephone, mail and e-mail reference and referral services (Ask-a-Librarian) on Louisiana subjects. The section also assists researchers using the collection. While the staff is not able to do in-depth genealogical research, we can check directories, indexes, and other resources. When you email, please provide name of person you are researching, the Louisiana parish they lived in, and approximate time period.
Main Number: (225) 342-4929
The Recorder of Documents Office coordinates the Louisiana Public Document Depository Program working with Louisiana agencies and depository libraries. State agencies and academic institutions submit copies of their public documents that are then distributed to depository libraries throughout the state. The documents are cataloged in the State Library online catalog to create a bibliography of Louisiana government documents. A copy of each item is archived for future research at the State Library, LSU's Hill Memorial Library, and Louisiana Tech University's Prescott Memorial Library. Documents that are only in electronic format are placed in the Louisiana Public Documents Digital Archive.
Main Number: (225) 342-4913
The reference librarians respond to questions and assist the public using the State Library's collections of books, federal documents, and databases. Assistance is provided by telephone, in person at service desks, and by email and regular mail. Reference librarians are responsible for selecting materials for the general collection and items for the federal documents depository. The Reference staff conducts workshops on reference work for public library staff and can provide information about the use of the library's electronic resources.
Main Number: (225) 342-0035
Toll-free (in Louisiana):1-800-543-4702
The staff members of TBBL work together to send recorded books, playback machines, Large Print books, Braille books and other library materials to Louisiana citizens who qualify for this free service because they are unable to read or to hold standard printed materials.
Reader Advisors assist patrons in book selection and maintain databases of books requests. There is a librarian who works with children, teenagers and schools to meet their special needs, and another librarian provides service to residents in assisted living centers and other group homes and institutions.
The Materials and Machine unit are responsible for inspecting books, circulating books and dealing with playback machines.