Below are books the Louisiana Collection staff recommends for Louisiana genealogical research.
African American Genealogical Sourcebook. Byers, Paula. Detroit, MI: Gale Research Inc. A comprehensive source for locating African American ancestry. Offers information on what to know before beginning research, problems that might be encountered, locating research materials, records specific to African Americans, and resources available at the federal, state and local levels. (Others in the series include Native American Genealogical Sourcebook, Asian American Genealogical Sourcebook and Hispanic American Genealogical Sourcebook.)
The Large Slaveholders of Louisiana, 1860. Menn, Joseph Karl. New Orleans: Pelican Publishing, 1964. This thesis has detailed tables slaveholders, number of slaves, crops, etc. for the 48 parishes that existed in 1860.
Louisiana Tombstone Inscriptions. Shreveport, LA: Daughters of the American Revolution, Louisiana Society. A multi-volume, multi-parish listing of tombstone inscriptions.
An index of old cemetery and church records in Louisiana. National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. Louisiana. Historical Activities Committee. No publisher listed. Index of Louisiana cemeteries by denominations, cemeteries by Parish, and list of books available. La 929.3 Nat.
First Settlers Of Pointe Coupee. De Ville, Winston. New Orleans, Polyanthos [c1974]. Arranged by surname, with birth, death, baptism information from Early Louisiana Church records, 1737-1750.
LA Colonials – Soldiers & Vagabonds. De Ville, Winston. Mobile : [s.n.], 1963. Gives the soldier’s name, age, place he is from, occupation, and height and hair color.
Attakapas Post - The Census of 1771. De Ville, Winston. Ville Platte, La. : De Ville, c1986. A census that gives the names of the head of household, number of members in the household, number of slaves, livestock and agriculture.
The Acadian Families In 1686. De Ville, Winston. Ville Platte, La. : De Ville, c1986. A census that includes names of family members, their ages, amount of land, livestock and agriculture.
Southwest Louisiana Families in 1777. De Ville, Winston. Ville Platte, La. : De Ville, c1987. A census with head of household and family members listed with ages.
Gulf Coast Colonials. De Ville, Winston. Baltimore : Genealogical Pub. Co.,1968. A listing of Colonials along the gulf coast. It includes occupations, birthplaces and dates, burials, and a listing of the gulf Coast Colonial priests.
Louisiana Troops, 1720-1770. De Ville, Winston. Clearfield Publishing. Alphabetical by soldier surname. Information may include soldier’s rank, why he came to Louisiana, ship he came over on, if he deserted, death and discharge information.
The Acadian coast in 1779: settlers of Cabanocey and La Fourche in the Spanish Province of Louisiana during the American Revolution. De Ville, Winston. Ville Platte, La. : W. De Ville, c1993. Census with the name of the head of household, number of family members, amount of agriculture, and a listing of soldiers.
The Handy Book for Genealogists: United States of America. Everton, George B. Logan, UT: Everton Publishers. Arranged by state and includes a brief state history, contact information for genealogical archives, libraries and societies, available census and printed resources, and what each county has to offer.
The Source: A Guidebook of American Genealogy. Szucs, Loretto Dennis. Salt Lake City, UT: Ancestry Incorporated. A comprehensive “how to” genealogical source with explanatory and contact information on locating a variety of genealogical records, researching ethnic ancestry, military, immigration, census, etc.
Guide to Genealogical Research in the National Archives.Washington, D.C.: Published for National Archives and Records Service by the National Archives Trust Fund Board. Comprehensive source explaining what is available in the National Archives for genealogical research, how to obtain the records and how to use them.
Louisiana Soldiers in the War of 1812. Pierson, Marion John Bennett. Baton Rouge: Louisiana Genealogical and Historical Society, 1963. Lists of Louisiana soldiers in the War of 1812.
Louisiana in the War of 1812. Casey, Powel A. Baton Rouge, 1968. Lists of Louisiana soldiers in the War of 1812.
Records of Louisiana Confederate Soldiers & Louisiana Confederate Commands. Booth, Andrew B. Spartanburg, SC: The Reprint Company, Publishers. A three-volume set arranged alphabetically by soldier’s surname with a summary of the soldier’s service record. Also available online at
Guide to Louisiana Confederate Military Units, 1861-1865. Bergeron, Arthur W. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. A history of Louisiana military units during the Civil War with summaries of action seen and officers.
Native American Genealogical Sourcebook. Byers, Paula. Detroit, MI: Gale Research Inc. A comprehensive source for locating Native American ancestry. Offers information on what to know before beginning research, problems that might be encountered, locating research materials, records specific to Native Americans, and resources available at the federal, state and local levels. (Others in the series include African American Genealogical Sourcebook, Asian American Genealogical Sourcebook and Hispanic American Genealogical Sourcebook.)
Native American Wills and Probate Records, 1911-1921. Bowen, Jeff. Signal Mountain, Tenn.: Mountain Press, 1997. After discovering eight volumes of Native American wills and probate records (2568 un-microfilmed pages) in the National Archives, Jeff Bowen created this resource.
Index to Certificates of Naturalization, 1831-1906 [microform]. Fort Worth, Texas: National Archives, Southwest Region. New Orleans District Office, 1990. Index to naturalization certificates for Louisiana covering 1831 to 1906, which may include name, address, age, date of birth, date and port of arrival, date of naturalization, address of the court issuing the certificate and volume and page number where the certificate is located.
Louisiana Places: A Collection of Columns. Clare D’Artois Leeper, 1976. Basic resource. A collection of short newspaper columns giving thumbnail histories and background of Louisiana towns. No longer in print.
Louisiana Post Offices. John J. Germann. Lake Grove OR: The Depot, 1990. (Box 2093, Lake Grove OR 97035). List of places with post offices since 1803, even if discontinued. Arranged by parish, post office data includes dates established and name of postmaster. Indexed. Maps show all known locations for each parish. Some photographs.
American State Papers. Greenville, SC: Southern Historical Press, Inc. $750.00/set. A multi-volume set of land records, covering public lands and claims, 1832-1861.
A Dictionary of Louisiana Biography. Glenn R. Conrad, editor. Lafayette: Louisiana Historical Association, 1988. About 2,500 short biographical sketches of deceased Louisianans from all chronological periods, racial, religious and ethnic groups with genealogical data, personal accomplishments, etc. All-name index. Ten-year Supplement, 1988-1998 (Lafayette: Louisiana Historical Association, 1999) has 458 biographical sketches.
Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records. Diocese of Baton Rouge. Baton Rouge: Diocese of Baton Rouge, Department of Archives. A multi-volume set of sacramental records covering 1756 to 1900 for the Diocese of Baton Rouge with information arranged by surname.
Southwest Louisiana Records: Church and Civil Records of Settlers. Hebert, Donald J. Rayne, LA: Hebert Publications. A multi-volume set of sacramental records covering 1756 to 1915 for Acadia, Calcasieu, Cameron, Iberia, Lafayette, St. Martin, St. Mary and Vermillion parishes with information arranged by surname.
Hunting For Bears. Murray, Nicholas. (A series. Publication dates vary.) Independence, LA: Murray Publishers. A computerized index of marriages by parish. Source is published by parish and alphabetized by groom and bride, with date of marriage and spouse’s name.
Vertical Files. Available at the State Library of Louisiana and include newspaper articles, pamphlets, reports, etc. The vertical file dates to the 1920s and is still being kept.
Louisiana: A Guide to the State. (American Guide Series) Originally published in 1941 as part of the WPA Writer’s Program, includes tours of state and an excellent index to locate plantation homes (some no longer in existence) and towns. Good historical information. No longer in print but available via Google Books.
Parish Resources and Facilities: Survey. Published by individual parish development boards, 1940’s and 1950’s. Relates history, description and government of each parish (some parishes did not participate in this project). Mentions schools, hospitals, businesses. Includes index of photographs. Basic information for students’ parish reports. Not copyrighted.
County-Parish Boundaries in Louisiana. Historical Records Survey, Louisiana. Reprint of compilation of official acts of the Louisiana Legislature establishing the political boundaries between the various parishes. No longer in print.
Louisiana 1810 Census Index. Jackson, Ronald Vern. Bountiful, Utah: Accelerated Indexing Systems, Inc. (Also 1820, 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860, and 1870 available.) Index to the 1810 Federal Louisiana census. Information is listed by head of household providing parish where he/she was living when the census was taken and page number to locate the person/family on microfilm.
Louisiana Business Directory. American Business Directories (PO Box 27347, Omaha NE 68127, 403-93-4600). Annual. Contains information on 170,000 businesses taken from Louisiana telephone yellow pages. Listed by subject heading as well as by city. Includes full contact information, owner/manager, number of employees and estimated sales. Expensive. Recommended for larger library systems.