Amistad Research Center. Their mission is collecting, preserving, and providing open access to original materials that reference the social and cultural importance of America's ethnic and racial history, the African Diaspora, human relations, and civil rights.
The Advocate Obituary Project. A database containing obituary indexes for The Advocate and The State-Times pre-1991.
Find a Grave. Includes burial information for millions of people. May include photos of headstones and family members, obituaries, and links to others in the database.
Louisiana Biography/Obituary Index. A database that references obituaries and death notices published in New Orleans newspapers from 1804-1972 and biographical information published in older Louisiana collective biographies.
Louisiana Cemeteries. Alphabetical listing of many Louisiana cemeteries, which includes location, directions to the cemetery and may include cemetery transcriptions.
First Settlers Of Pointe Coupee. De Ville, Winston. New Orleans, Polyanthos [c1974]. Arranged by surname, with birth, death, baptism information from Early Louisiana Church records, 1737-1750.
LA Colonials – Soldiers & Vagabonds. De Ville, Winston. Mobile : [s.n.], 1963. Gives the soldier’s name, age, place he is from, occupation, and height and hair color.
Attakapas Post - The Census of 1771. De Ville, Winston. Ville Platte, La. : De Ville, c1986. A census that gives the names of the head of household, number of members in the household, number of slaves, livestock and agriculture.
The Acadian Families In 1686. De Ville, Winston. Ville Platte, La. : De Ville, c1986. A census that includes names of family members, their ages, amount of land, livestock and agriculture.
Southwest Louisiana Families in 1777. De Ville, Winston. Ville Platte, La. : De Ville, c1987. A census with head of household and family members listed with ages.
Gulf Coast Colonials. De Ville, Winston. Baltimore : Genealogical Pub. Co.,1968. A listing of Colonials along the gulf coast. It includes occupations, birthplaces and dates, burials, and a listing of the gulf Coast Colonial priests.
Louisiana Troops, 1720-1770. De Ville, Winston. Clearfield Publishing. Alphabetical by soldier surname. Information may include soldier’s rank, why he came to Louisiana, ship he came over on, if he deserted, death and discharge information.
The Acadian coast in 1779: settlers of Cabanocey and La Fourche in the Spanish Province of Louisiana during the American Revolution. De Ville, Winston. Ville Platte, La. : W. De Ville, c1993. Census with the name of the head of household, number of family members, amount of agriculture, and a listing of soldiers.
Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System. A National Parks Service database that offers military information for Confederate and Union soldiers and sailors.
Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild. A Searchable database of passenger lists that have been transcribed to the Internet. Includes the Port of New Orleans.
National Archives. Resources for Immigration and Naturalization research at the National Archives
Family Search. A nonprofit organization and website offering genealogical records, education, and software. It is operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and is closely connected with the church's Family History Department.
Gen Forum. A site to check multiple queries by surname, offering a way to locate ancestral information and living relatives.
Google Books. A great place to locate possible ancestors in books; such as state annual reports, historical reports, etc.
Louisiana Archives (USGenWeb Project). Part of a nationwide online database, but is specific to Louisiana. It is arranged by parish, has some searchable databases, transcribed information and lookup volunteers.
Louisiana Digital Media Archive. This is the home of home of the Louisiana Public Broadcasting Digital Collection and the Louisiana State Archives Multimedia Collection with thousands of hours of media recorded over the past half-century. A nationwide online database, but is specific to Louisiana. It is arranged by parish, has some searchable databases, transcribed information and lookup volunteers.
Atlas of Historical County Boundaries. Maps and text covering the historical boundaries, names, organization, and attachments of every county, extinct county and unsuccessful county proposal from the creation of the first county through 2000.
Louisiana Digital Library. Database of 84,000+ photographs and documents from 32 libraries, archives, museums and other facilities. Keyword searchable.
Louisiana Directory of Cities, Towns and Villages. Lori L. Smith. An alphabetical list of cities, towns, and villages showing population and post offices, and alphabetical list of parishes showing cities, towns, and villages, and tabulation by parish of 1990 and 2000 population figures.
Louisiana National Register of Historic Places. Louisiana Division of Historic Preservation. Online database of Louisiana buildings, structures, objects and districts deemed worthy of preservation because they illustrate something about Louisiana’s history or culture. Searchable by place, name, type of building, etc.
Louisiana Parish Clerks of Court. Parish listing of contact information for Louisiana Clerks of Court, which has marriage and divorce records, land records, probate, etc.
Vital Records Information, United States. Where to locate vital records by state and parish/county. Lists towns that have vital records before they were kept statewide.
Social Security Death Index. A database containing an index to the Social Security records of deceased persons whose deaths were reported to the Social Security Administration. Searchable by name or Social Security Number, can generate a letter to the SSA, etc.
Under Louisiana law, birth records are strictly confidential until 100 years after the year of birth and death records are strictly confidential until 50 years after the year of the death. Birth records older than 100 years and death records older than 50 years are available at the Louisiana State Archives.
64 Parishes Encyclopedia. Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities. An online interactive encyclopedia of Louisiana that includes images, text, video and audio in a searchable format.
Bayou State Periodical Index. Lafayette: University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Annual. Subject index to articles in Louisiana journals. Also available online. Searchable by keyword.
Louisiana: A Guide to the State. (American Guide Series) Originally published in 1941 as part of the WPA Writer’s Program, includes tours of state and an excellent index to locate plantation homes (some no longer in existence) and towns. Good historical information. No longer in print.
Louisiana Department of Education Statistical Reports. This publication offers Education statistics for state, and parish, and school levels: 1857-1979 and 1979-current