Information for state agencies and institutions.
Louisiana agencies and institutions are required by La. RS 25:124 and LAC 25:VII:5 to furnish the Recorder of Documents with copies of public documents to meet the needs of the Public Document Depository Program (PDDP), which distributes them to public and academic libraries across the state.
The primary purpose of the depository program is to provide the people of Louisiana with access to state publications; the secondary purpose is to create and preserve a complete, centralized, and organized historical record of Louisiana via its state documents.
The success of the LPDDP depends on the conscientious efforts of those state employees who perform the duties as liaison between their agencies and the depository program.
State agencies should consult the appropriate table above for the number of copies they are required to submit to the Recorder of Documents for distribution to the depository libraries in Louisiana. These tables will be updated periodically to reflect current depository library selections.
The Handbook provides background information, policies, and procedures for agency and public institution staff designated to serve as liaison officers to the LPDDP.
Agency liaison officers should use this form to submit contact information to the Recorder of Documents.
Agency liaison officers must use this form to submit to the Recorder of Documents annual reports of their agency's publications.
Agency liaison officers must complete this form to accompany each submittal sent to the Recorder of Documents for distribution to depository libraries.